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Meet Our Team



Working opposite shifts for years while raising our young daughters and being young ourselves, Lindsay and I earned our Master Degrees in "Juggling."  Juggling "LIFE" and the careers we "THOUGHT" we wanted.  As our family grew and got older, our priorities shifted.  We intentionally made drastic career changes.  We finally hit 40 years old, preparing to welcome our 23rd wedding anniversary and our careers are exactly where we want them.  S.M.O.R.S. has afforded us the luxuries of working together as a family, being our own bosses and able to utilize every bit of our past work experiences from the last 25 years.  Most importantly and with INTEGRITY, we have built something from the ground up that we are so proud to call our very own!

We've been fortunate to have found a way to cut out the cabin company"Middle Man" and utilize the extraordinary resources/vendors that we've formed solid relationships with.  Our success spills directly over to our property owners and their gains become insurmountable.

Both Lindsay and I have 25+ years experience in customer service.  7 1/2 years of that, Lindsay has spent in 911/police communications through 5 different police departments spanning from New Hampshire - Tennessee to Southern California.

I have 22+ years experience in the building trades and have 5 + years experience managing the maintenance departments of two of the largest cabin rental companies in this area.  Both companies had 300 + rental properties.  With the additional years managing our own business.

Lindsay has 12 years experience in cabin cleaning and 10 years of that has been the owner and operator of her own cabin cleaning business.  She also has 2 1/2 years experience assistant supervising the laundry department of a cabin rental company that had 300 + rental properties.

Our vision is to stay at 20 cabin properties or less to be able to continue and consistently provide the highest quality of service S.M.O.R.S. has to offer.  Each property along with its owner(s) we hope to clean/manage for the entirety of its life.  Your investment makes up our business and our business feeds our family in all aspects.  This amazing business Lindsay and I have built gives us the freedom to continue to raise the bar of this industry's standards.  To say "NO" to these big cabin rental companies and be one of the biggest advocates on why it's your time to go VRBO!  Your Time is NOW!


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